Harvest Full Moon

Hi Everyone,
Wow!  What a great week.  I am getting to know all of your children and what can I say, they are amazing!  We are having a great time building our learning community.  We have dived into our curriculum and are learning a lot including science, math, reading, and so much more.  Don't forget to check the blog daily for homework due every day.  Thank you!

Headphones/Earbuds Needed
Please send your child in with a pair of headphones or earbuds that plug into a computer.  We will be using technology all year and they will need a pair to use at school that can live at school.  If you have extras or would like to send an extra pair in for a few students who don't have them, that would be deeply appreciated.

Curriculum Night Reminder
Join me on Wednesday, September 17 from 6:40-7:15 p.m. in Room 301 for information about our classroom and curriculum.  I hope you will be able to join me.  This is a time for me to discuss the curriculum.  If you need to talk to me about your child, please sign up for a conference time.  I will have an online sign up for you available shortly and will post it on the blog.  Thank you for your support!

I am using a program called this year called XtraMath for students to practice math facts.  Please read the sheet that is coming home today to sign your child up.  It is free to use on a laptop and desktop computers.  There is a small fee to purchase the app at home for use on an iPad.  Please take a moment to sign up for your child so they may have the opportunity to build their fact fluency skills.  The sheet provided has instructions on how to sign up with login information.  

For more information please visit the link below.

Farm to School Collaborative
As a co-chair of the Ann Arbor Farm to School Collaborative,  I will be attending meetings this year to support farm to school efforts in the district along with Mr. Hatt who also.  We will have 4 meetings during the school day this year.  I will be out four half days for those meetings but will have excellent subs to guest teach in my classroom.  Today, Mrs. Ambrosino will be leading my class in the afternoon.  She is a retired teacher from Burns Park!  

The Ann Arbor Public Schools Farm to School Collaborative is comprised of community partners, district staff, parents, and others. We work together to promote student wellness and create connections between local agriculture and AAPS. 

The primary focus areas for our work are:
  1. Sourcing local foods into AAPS  
  2. Educating students, parents & staff 
  3. Supporting school gardens
Here is a link to our website:

I also serve on the AAPS District Wellness Committee!  Check out their new page on the AAPS website.
AAPS Wellness

Our testing period has begun.  Students took the Math Assessment today.  We had everyone finish and with no issues!  It was a great morning.  I am proud  The Reading Assessment will be on Friday, September 20.

Team Teaching
Rotations started this week and your students got to visit all the fifth-grade teachers!  Students did an EXCELLENT job transitioning and learning this week.  They will be so ready for middle school next year. :0) 

Have a fantastic weekend! 

Homework/Events Calendar