Happy Autumnal Equinox (Fall)!
Hi Everyone,
Happy Fall (Monday) though it certainly still feels like summer! This week was a fantastic week minus the boiling heat on the penthouse floor. :0) Students are settled in the classroom and routines are established. Learning is happening each day, and we are enjoying the school day as much as we can. Students are pushing their thinking and we are having a great time learning. Check out the Class Photos page for pictures of the week. :0)
Volunteer Opportunity
This Friday, our class will be helping to build classroom benches in the garden from 1:15-3:00 p.m. Thanks for the PTO for their generous grant funding, we were able to buy composite benches just like the buddy benches and put them for outdoor seating in the garden. We are super excited and even more excited to get the kids involved to make them. They are very easy to make and we only require socket wrenches and rakes to rake the wood chips back. Please email me and let me know if you can help your child leave a legacy at Burns Park!
Sign up here:
I Am Super Excited for Friday's Garden Bench Building!
Curriculum Night
It was wonderful to meet parents at Curriculum Night! I hope you enjoyed the presentation and if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please sign up for parent-teacher conferences below. I am eager to hear your thoughts and have an open dialogue about your child's learning. I will be holding one session in the evening. One night will be the common parent-teacher conference night for Burns Park. I will also hold some during the school day. If you can make those times, please sign up. If you absolutely can't make those times, I will offer you a session to meet with me at Argus Farm Stop on Packard Rd. Thank you for understanding and your support.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the cooler weather coming up!
Here is some cuteness to enjoy!
Happy Fall (Monday) though it certainly still feels like summer! This week was a fantastic week minus the boiling heat on the penthouse floor. :0) Students are settled in the classroom and routines are established. Learning is happening each day, and we are enjoying the school day as much as we can. Students are pushing their thinking and we are having a great time learning. Check out the Class Photos page for pictures of the week. :0)
Volunteer Opportunity
This Friday, our class will be helping to build classroom benches in the garden from 1:15-3:00 p.m. Thanks for the PTO for their generous grant funding, we were able to buy composite benches just like the buddy benches and put them for outdoor seating in the garden. We are super excited and even more excited to get the kids involved to make them. They are very easy to make and we only require socket wrenches and rakes to rake the wood chips back. Please email me and let me know if you can help your child leave a legacy at Burns Park!
Sign up here:
I Am Super Excited for Friday's Garden Bench Building!
It was wonderful to meet parents at Curriculum Night! I hope you enjoyed the presentation and if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please sign up for parent-teacher conferences below. I am eager to hear your thoughts and have an open dialogue about your child's learning. I will be holding one session in the evening. One night will be the common parent-teacher conference night for Burns Park. I will also hold some during the school day. If you can make those times, please sign up. If you absolutely can't make those times, I will offer you a session to meet with me at Argus Farm Stop on Packard Rd. Thank you for understanding and your support.
Students have their unit 1 math assessment the first week in October. As a reminder, I will pass out all of their homework links they have completed before the test to review. Students are encouraged to look back at all the homework that will be coming home and review for the test. Students can access the online EM ConnectED math to practice games and activities to place value. A self-assessment worksheet AND review packets will be coming home for your child to complete before the test. They need to think about each skill listed on the worksheet and determine whether they know how to do it or not. If we have time we can do this in class as well. They can assess their own progress by checking the most appropriate box.
Students are doing a great job grading their math homework using the family letter. If your child can not find the family letter, you can access it online with their password! If your child forgets their homework, please print it and have them do it on that printed sheet. PLEASE remind your student to make sure they have their homework daily and check in with them. Reminders are always helpful for them.
Minilessons are being taught currently to students to prepare them for guided reading. We are focusing on:
- Readers are always thinking as they read
- Reading from a variety of genres
- Making good book choices
- Readers are always thinking about what the author is saying and how it makes you feel
- Readers listen to each other and share with a partner or small group
- Readers sometimes abandon books after giving them a good chance
- Readers can tell the difference between fiction text and non-fiction text
- What fiction is and what non-fiction is
We will dive into more minilessons next week. I will also be assessing students in the next month and we will start reading groups shortly after that.
We have started the personal narrative unit! Students are studying mentor texts and considering what they did to make their writing powerful so they can use similar techniques in their own writing. We generated some lists or webs of small moments associated with a person, place, or thing. Next week we will focus on how characters in mentor texts fell or learn something important and include some kind of turning point! We will also think about listing or webbing small moments associated with strong feelings to generate ideas for their personal narrative.
We have some awesome green wipes for cleaning student tables but they are going fast! If you are interested in donating to the classroom, we could use really some green spray soon. Thank you!