Happy Holidays!

Hi Everyone,
We are in the home stretch.  Just one week until the big holiday break.  Students have been working hard!  Please remind them of behavior expectations for the last week.  Read all the way through so you can find out more about our last day before the break.  Also, Share Day is on Monday for music! 

Mark your calendars!  Students will be taking the winter NWEA assessments on Friday, January 17 and Monday, January 27.  Please refrain from taking students out on those testing dates.  If they are sick, we will find another time for them to make it up.  Otherwise, it is difficult to find time to make it up if a student is not sick.  Thank you for your support!

We will wrap up our Non-Fiction Informational Text Genre Study next week!  Students have been doing a scavenger hunt looking for text features and discussing how they are important when we read.  Students will be working on book recommendations too!

Students have wrapped up their Personal Narratives in writing.  I have enjoyed reading about their experiences!  We had our author's celebration today and all of our students commented positively on each piece.  Check out the class photos page for a few additional pictures.  

Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad needs coaches! The Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad (WESO) is an extracurricular, hands-on science learning club and competition. Burns Park has had great success in the past - high participation, lots of learning, and impressive showings at the county-wide competition. This year, there are 23 events at WESO, and Burns Park needs many volunteer coaches.  You do not need to be an expert!  The oldest kids participating are fifth graders, and many coaches learn their events in order to coach them. 

Coaches commit to about an hour a week working directly with kids, plus any prep time. Practices will be Sunday afternoons beginning February 2.  After practices begin, we meet weekly (excluding school breaks) until late March when have a Burns Park only competition. Then, the small teams selected to go onto the county-wide competition will meet an additional 4-5 times. The WESO competition is May 10, 2020.  

We need coaches for a variety of events, so please let me know if you are interested and I will find you a spot.  Some great events that definitely need coaches include Barge Building, Circuit Wizardry, Gravity Racer, iCompute, Map Reading, On Target, What Went By and Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah.  Please check out the event information page on the WESO website to see short descriptions of all events. Please contact Jane Montas if you are interested: janemontas@gmail.com.  Thanks for considering!

Last Post
This is the last blog post of the year (2019)!  I will not be posting next week but will add photos of the celebration!  Speaking of celebration...

  • We will have a pajama party celebration next Friday, December 20 - revised: We have an assembly from 9:30-10:30 a.m. so we will start the festivities after that and carry on into the afternoon.
  • We will have yummy snacks and we will be making a special surprise craft!
  • Students can wear their pajamas or comfy clothes and bring their favorite stuffed animal on that day.  
  • Bring a large blanket OR sleeping bag and a pillow to get comfy!
  • Lastly, bring your favorite book to read!

I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays this season!  I hope all of you have a wonderful break and spend time relaxing and enjoying time with your family and friends.  I will miss the kids and I'm excited to start the new year off with a bang.  Ms. Rubin, my student teacher will also be here full time until the end of April.  

2020...Here we come!

Homework/Events Calendar